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Cat Scratching | Tips For CatOwner
Cat Scratching Problem
Among the issues the cat owners usually encounter, excessive scratching is one of the most widespread. Cats particularly enjoy scratching furniture, tiles and carpets and at times walls too. This is normal because they have to have sharp claws, defined territories of authority and stretched body muscles. But it can be quite irritating for the owners, when their belongings are damaged. In this perspective therefore managing this problem has the following concepts;
A way of handling this issue therefore is to make sure that your cat is offered with the right objects to scratch. First, they have to offer great scratching posts or cat trees. Put them in those locations that are most frequently visited by your cat. People can safely say that cats scratch those areas in which they are comfortable or feel at home. Also, to prevent excessive damage you should also ensure that your cat’s nail are well trimmed.
If your cat persists on scratching at the wrong things, you might want to try nail-polish or double-sided tape or some sprays that discourage the behavior. Of course, positive reinforcement plays a role too; feed your cats a treat, or lightly stroke them when they choose the post over your furniture. The toys for the cat that can be recommended are such that would need the cat to think and exercise prop erly rather than pretending to scratch furniture and other structures. That is why innovation such as puzzle toys and playing sessions will ensure that the though of scratching automatically is eliminated since they are occupied with the toys.
Protect your home while giving your cat a proper scratching outlet with our Trimmable Cat Scratch Mats. These self-adhesive carpet covers are perfect for preventing damage to your furniture and keeping your cat happy. Grab yours here.
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